Fighting Cock Press
The Fighting Cock Press has existed in its present form since 1996, when writers Mabel Ferrett and Pauline Kirk began collaborating to publish books of good literary quality, elegantly produced and within the price range of most people. It has always maintained a close relationship to the Pennine Poets, providing an outlet for poetry and artwork by members of the group, but has also published collections of poetry and short prose by other northern writers.In August 1997, the Press was awarded a grant by the National Lottery 'Arts for Everyone Express' Scheme, administered by the Arts Council. As a result of this project, three short collections and an anthology of new poetry and prose were published. In addition, more than a hundred writers were given advice on their work and possible sources of publication.
Fighting Cock Press has gone on to build on this success, publishing high quality poetry and prose from the North of England. An Arts Council England Award in 2006 enabled it to publish two major anthologies of poetry and original art work (including much valuable archive material) to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the Pennine Poets. In 2016 we will be publishing a new anthology commemorating the fiftieth anniversary.
The Founding Editor was the late Mabel Ferrett. Her son, John, now acts as a Consultant. Pauline Kirk, the current Editor, lives in York.
For further information about Fighting Cock Press or to place orders for books, please contact
Except we Teach by Alan Gillott
Alan is an important influence on Yorkshire poetry, encouraging crossover between music, poetry, performance, and media arts, and a fine poet himself. He writes with a musical ear for sound and rhythm, and an acute observation for natural detail, as well as for wider cultural references. His first collection, Beyond the Window is almost sold out and received critical acclaim. His new book includes many poems he has read at venues throughout the north.
Price £8.00. Except We Teach can be ordered from bookshops, or is available from Fighting Cock Press (please add 75p per copy towards postage and packing).
Temporary Safety by Rose Drew Drew was named No. Nine in the Purple Patch Top Twenty Best Individual Collections for 2011
Rose, who lives in York, has won a number of other awards for her work including the 2010 Malton Poetry Competition. She is in demand for readings throughout England and North America. Her material is drawn from Motherhood, politics, death and above all, life, and she also draws from her experience as a Physical Anthropologist. Rose can be seen on TV looking into the lives of historical characters such as the Mary Rose Sailors, Amy Robarts, Captain Kidd and Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man.
A second edition of Temporary Safety was published in 2012 and can be ordered from Fighting Cock Press. Price £6.50.
Purple Patch list:
Rose Drew: &
For further information about Fighting Cock Press or to place orders for books, please contact
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